Friday, July 15, 2011

{Food Friday | 7.15.11}

Whoo hoo!! It's FRIDAY!!
It has been a WEEK y'all. Heck.of.a.week.

I have two recipes to share. If you notice most of my recipes aren't shown detailed. I am so not the measuring cook. That's not necessarily a good thing but I am so a pinch of this a scoop of that. Hey, it works and I'm not starvin' over here.

Sharing two recipes - Camp Nacho Sauce and Pesto Bagels.

You'll have to excuse the sub-par photo for the Camp Nachos. We were um, literally camping and I took my starter camera with me. My good old trusty Canon Rebel Xti. Started with that beauty 8 years ago and I still love that thing. It's great for little trips like that where I don't want to risk taking my good cameras with me. With this dish you can cook the taco meat there - like we did. OR make it ahead of time and warm it up over your fire. It's a GREAT simple, tasty camping meal. It's one of our traditional camping dishes.

I also wanted to post the Pesto Bagels b/c I am queen of short order meals. I have a husband who is a firefighter so I save the big meals for when he is home and often times I find myself eating meals that are quick fix type of deals. This one below is one such meal. It's not low-fat - but you could certainly make it that with fat-free cream cheese. Hey, you can't get around parmesan. Good fresh parmesan? It's got some fat in it. :)

So! Without further adieu....