Been thinking lately about thankfulness and hope. Both are so important to have throughout life... no matter what you face, how you lost or won. You have to be able to reflect yesterday with thankfulness and look forward to tomorrow with hope to find joy for today. Hope is kinda like water, and thankfulness kinda like bread. Without either, you're empty. Both positive connotations but with different time stamps - past and future. You need both to be content with today.
So, this Thursday I am thankful for:
- Bad days, bad weeks because they will teach me something tomorrow though I don't understand them today.
- Music and its sanity-preserving capabilities.
- Burt's Bees Chapstick.
- Brach's Milk Maid Royals.
- Space heaters.
- Dreams of Jess that even though I wake missing her, make me smile because for a moment, I was with her again.
- Pot roasts & cherry pie because my house smells delicious and I feel like freaking Donna Reed.
- Self-employment. Essentially, it never leaves you, but it never really asks why you took a 4 hour lunch break either.