Leave it to me to think about pennies. And anything deep or forlorn for that matter. :)
Just b/c I do.
It's always a recognizing moment when we find a new coin. "Shiny and New".
I like new things. I like new people. I like new changes. New is new, come on.
But what I keep that is old and maybe sometimes a bit tarnished b/c of father time ... is friendships. I WANT those to be old. Not that I don't want the new friendships. But the ones that I've kept are the ones I will keep. They're my lucky pennies. They may be old and tarnished from the viewpoint of an outsider - but they're gold really to me. Where value is soooo much more than mere appearance.
I have (luckily b/c it doesn't always happen this way) friends that I've had for many, many years. Friends I sort of even grew up with. Old friends.
Amy is one.
Best friends in high school. Still very close. She was the one I made the memories with. She was a bridesmaid. Was called the day I had my kids (she lives in another state). She knows my flaws and my strengths - and despite it all I am still one of her prized pennies too.
Friends like that are treasured and held onto.
Thanks Amy for our visit last night and the wonderful conversation, the encouragement and support I always receive from you.
And jeez you always have the cutest shoes. :) Love you bunches.